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Azeez, K. A., Hambolu, V. O., Okwu, A. T., & Agboola, B. A. (2024). Russia-Ukraine War and Price Volatility of Global Commodities: The Role of Public Sentiments. Energy RESEARCH LETTERS, 5(2).


We analysed how public sentiments have affected global commodity market volatility during the Russia-Ukraine war. Using principal component analysis, we created a sentiments index from 30 carefully selected Google trends search keywords related to the war. We tested the predictability of the sentiments index against market volatility. Our results show that while public sentiments increase commodity market volatility, incorporating the sentiment index into our predictive model significantly improves its precision.

I. Introduction

We investigate the response of the market volatility of ten global commodities to Russia-Ukraine war (RUW) sentiments. Our analysis hinges on the market efficiency theory, which stipulates that the commodity market responds to information flow. The Russian invasion has heightened economic uncertainty (Anayi et al., 2022) and affected economic fundamentals. Prices of traded commodities have continued to increase, while supply is insufficient (Bachmann et al., 2022; Chepeliev et al., 2022; Fang & Shao, 2022; Gong et al., 2022). The high cost of imports threatens availability, engenders scarcity, and heightens uncertainty. There are studies on the effect of sentiments on commodity return volatility (Chen et al., 2021; Gong et al., 2022; Maghyereh et al., 2020; Price et al., 2017; Qadam & Nama, 2018) and how RUW affects energy price fluctuations and trade (Wang et al., 2022; Wicaksana & Ramadhan, 2022).

The study’s motivation stems from the under-tapped wealth of quantitative and/or qualitative information on RUW sentiments to enhance understanding of the dynamics of commodity market volatility due to external uncertainties (Maghyereh et al., 2020). By examining the commodity market volatility-sentiment nexus, we make threefold contribution to the existing literature. First, we develop a new sentiments index for the RUW; second, we test its predictability for market volatility using a model that considers all salient data features; and third, we evaluate the in-sample and out-of-sample forecast performance of our model to establish its robustness. We establish that RUW heightens the volatility of commodity markets. Incorporating public sentiments into our predictive model improves the volatility forecasts in the in-sample and out-of-sample periods. In Sections II, III, IV, and V, we discuss data and methodology, empirical results, robustness checks, and the conclusion, respectively.

II. Data and methodology

We employed daily data on commodity future prices (brent, corn, gold, natural gas, nickel, palm oil, platinum, silver, soybeans, and wheat) as the predicted, and the sentiment index as the predictor. The series were obtained from database and Google Trends, respectively, covering February 24, 2022 (commencement of RUW) to May 2, 2023. We transformed the commodity prices into realized volatilities by annualizing the 20-day window standard deviation of commodity returns[1]. We selected the sentiments index from[2], which lists prominent keywords associated with the RUW. These are “Russia,” “Ukraine,” “Nato,” “oil prices,” “kiev,” “Vladimir Putin,” “Volodomir Zelensky,” “Moscow,” “G7,” “Wheat,” “Ukraine invasion,” “Russia-Ukraine war,” “Russia invasion,” “the invasion,” “Donetsk,” “Kyiv,” “sanction,” “airstrikes,” “cold war,” “chemical weapons,” “trade sanctions,” “armed forces of Ukraine,” “missile,” “offensive,” “NATO weapons,” “defensive alliance,” “atomic bomb,” “response forces,” “provocations,” and “warplane.” We combined the keywords into a composite sentiments index using a principal component analysis (PCA) and normalized it based on Salisu et al.'s (2021) and Olubusoye et al.'s (2021) studies.

Table 1 summarizes the realized volatilities of the commodities and the developed sentiments index. The realized volatilities of nickel and natural gas have the highest and lowest means, respectively. Natural gas has the highest coefficient of variation value, suggesting that it is most unstable, while gold has the lowest variability. Commodities’ realized volatilities are positively skewed, except gold and natural gas. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test result is mixed. Brent, Nickel, Wheat, and Sentiments Index are integrated in order one. There is evidence of conditional heteroskedasticity (except for gold, platinum, silver, wheat, and the sentiment index) and serial correlation (except for platinum and silver). All the variables exhibit some degree of persistence.

Table 1.Descriptive Statistics and Preliminary Analysis
Commodities Mean Coef. of
Skewne Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Conditional Heteroscedasticity Serial Correlation Pers Unit root
arch5 arch10 Q(5) Q(10) Q2(5) Q2(10)
Brent 95.08 13.70 0.44 2.17 16.34*** 19.69*** 14.30*** 18.51*** 24.94*** 106.29*** 127.18*** 0.97*** -4.45***c I(0)
Corn 688.49 8.40 0.47 2.31 15.11*** 3.95*** 2.07** 8.43 12.62 24.60*** 26.52*** 0.98*** -16.61***c I(1)
Gold 1832.56 5.69 -0.02 2.10 9.12** 2.05* 1.51 4.99 14.2 12.33** 21.53** 0.98*** -17.84***c I(1)
Natural gas 5.69 39.64 -0.21 1.85 16.82*** 2.89** 1.96** 9.85* 11.91 19.05*** 27.01*** 0.99*** -18.28***c I(1)
Nickel 26371.99 21.70 4.18 34.91 12109.26*** 36.83*** 109.99*** 4.21 12.21 89.05*** 89.26*** 0.84*** -4.03***c I(0)
Palm oil 4705.48 27.34 1.11 2.60 56.93*** 6.13*** 5.22*** 21.87*** 33.85*** 46.61*** 86.80*** 0.98*** -15.75***c I(1)
Platinum 966.49 7.33 0.11 2.42 4.23 0.5 0.72 2.05 6.72 2.72 7.71 0.96*** -16.78***c I(1)
Silver 21.96 10.43 0.06 1.87 14.35*** 0.61 0.54 3.74 9.71 3.16 7.16 0.98*** -16.82***c I(1)
Soybean 19.13 39.36 4.09 23.40 5372.56*** 4.57*** 2.35** 4.18 10.65 22.19*** 24.42*** 0.98*** -16.25***c I(1)
Wheat 260.93 14.86 0.19 2.45 5.02* 0.38 1.44 3.57 9.53 2.89 16.79* 0.99*** -4.05***c I(0)
Sentiment index 19.13 39.36 4.09 23.40 5372.56*** 0.55 1.33 37.73*** 39.15*** 26.24*** 26.25*** 0.84*** -8.33***b I(0)

Superscript “b” and “c” denote that ADF unit root test regressions are model with constant only and model with constant and trend. Autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity tests are tested using LJung- box test Q statistics and Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, respectively, at lags 5% and 10%. Coefficient of variation is computed as = Std/mean, Pers = persistence

Therefore, we adopted the Westerlund and Narayan (2012, 2015) type autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, which is based on the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) regression. The model suitably adjusts for violations such as autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, and persistence. Recent studies (Salisu et al., 2018; Salisu & Isah, 2018) suggest the need to account for these salient data features in modelling realized volatility. The WN-type model specification is given in Equation (1):


where rvt is the realized volatility; sindxt is sentiment index; Δsindxt adjusts for persistence/endogeneity; brki,t is a break dummy that indicates the ith break point, and k represents the possible number of significant breaks[3]; α, β, γ, θ and ψ are the model parameters; and ϵ is the white noise disturbance term. Accounting for breaks is supported by literature (Salisu et al., 2019; Smyth & Narayan, 2018). The predictability stance is confirmed if the null hypothesis H0:γ=0 is rejected at a specified level of significance. Our WN-type model was tested with an autoregressive [AR(1)] model.

We employed only 75% of the full data for the in-sample and out-of-sample forecast evaluation using the Clark and West (2007) test, which is appropriate when the compared models are nested. It determines whether the forecast error difference between paired competing models is statistically different from zero. The CW procedure is:


where h represents the forecast period, and (rt+hˆr1t,t+h)2 and (rt+hˆr2t,t+h)2 represent the squared errors for the benchmark and our predictive models, respectively. The adjusted squared error, (ˆr1t,t+hˆr2t,t+h)2, is the CW incorporated term to correct for noise associated with the larger model’s forecast. The equality of the contending models’ forecast was tested by regressing ˆft+h on a constant. Significance implies inequality in the performances; positive (or negative) CW statistics favours our predictive (benchmark) model.

III. Empirical Results

Table 2 presents the predictability (using the full data) as well as the forecast evaluation (using 75% of the full data) results. We found predictability in the sentiment index for commodity market volatility, with a positive nexus (except for soybeans, wheat, and natural gas). This is consistent with some recent studies (Gong et al., 2022; Maghyereh et al., 2020; Qadam & Nama, 2018). The uncertainty occasioned by the RUW aggravates the market volatility for the examined commodities, except soybeans, wheat, and natural gas, which corroborates some previous studies (Chen et al., 2021; Gong et al., 2022). The markets become highly unstable despite plausible feats of higher returns as the tension lingers. Similar to Gong et al. (2022), soybean, wheat, and natural gas markets are resilient to the RUW, perhaps owing to global adjustments from other exporter countries to mitigate the resultant scarcity. Our predictive model consistently outperformed the benchmark across commodity markets and specified forecast horizons. The sentiment index improves commodity market volatility forecasts.

Table 2.Parameter Estimation and Forecast Evaluation using Daily Data
Commodity Coefficient Estimate Clark and West Test
In-Sample h = 5 h = 10 h = 20
Brent 0.1044*** (0.0195) 284.61*** 285.61*** 286.32*** 289.54***
Corn 0.1127*** (0.0403) 5711.01*** 5601.41*** 5493.06*** 5302.47***
Gold 0.4547*** (0.0891) 836.84*** 8830.86*** 9497.23*** 9954.12***
Natural gas -0.0005 (0.0017) 2.97*** 3.32*** 3.74*** 4.61***
Nickel 78.8015*** (19.0917) 65895241*** 64416888*** 63265223*** 60580217***
Palm oil 3.7368*** (0.3169) 964204.5*** 940351.1*** 917309.7*** 874545.3***
Platinum 0.8018*** (0.1112) 6471.36*** 6851.62*** 7090.70*** 6857.74***
Silver 0.0231*** (0.0039) 6.17*** 6.57*** 6.94*** 6.95***
Soybean -0.0087** (0.0035) 31.53*** 31.38*** 31.54*** 32.17***
Wheat -0.0818*** (0.0124) 2442.41*** 2466.25*** 2482.31*** 2486.97***

The values in each cell under column 2 are estimated coefficients and the corresponding standard errors; columns 3 – 6 are Clark and West Statistics; with *** and ** indicating statistical significance at 1% and 5%, respectively.

IV. Robustness Check

We ascertained the sensitivity of our results using weekly data and maintaining the main estimation process. The predictability results support a positive nexus between market volatility and the sentiment index (Table A.2 in the appendix), indicating that increased public sentiments intensify the volatility of the commodity markets as the war lingers. Except for soybeans, wheat, and natural gas, the results align with the main estimation results. The CW procedure retains outperformance in most of the commodity markets and forecast horizons. Hence, our results are robust to the forecast horizons.

V. Conclusion

We examined the realized volatility-sentiment index nexus for ten commodity markets using the WN-type distributed lag model that adequately accommodates all salient data features. Based on the 30 carefully selected keywords, we tested the predictability of the PCA-facilitated sentiments index for market volatilities. We used daily and weekly data to confirm the aggravating impact of the RUW on commodity market volatility in about 70% and 100% of cases. The forecast evaluation results confirm the statistical importance of the sentiment index for predicting the volatility of commodity markets.


The authors benefited from the capacity development training programmes at the Centre for Econometrics and Allied Research, Ibadan. The experience at the training sessions facilitated by Professor Afees, A. Salisu, Dr. Ahamuefula, E. Ogbonna, Dr. Idris, A. Adediran and Dr. Tirimisiyu, F. Oloko contributed in improving the quality of this paper.

Accepted: August 27, 2023 AEST


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Table A.1.Structural Break Dates
Commodity Daily Weekly
Brent 8/3/2022; 11/21/2022; 5/25/2022 8/4/2022; 11/17/2022; 5/26/2022
Corn 7/14/2022; 9/8/2022; 11/8/2022; 4/26/2022 7/14/2022; 4/14/2022; 9/1/2022
Gold 12/20/2022; 7/1/2022; 4/26/2022 6/30/2022; 12/1/2022; 4/28/2022
Natural gas 12/19/2022; 9/23/2022; 4/26/2022; 7/22/2022 10/13/2022
Nickel 5/5/2022; 11/10/2022 4/14/2022; 11/10/2022
Palm oil 6/22/2022; 8/30/2022; 10/27/2022 6/23/2022; 4/21/2022
Platinum 11/7/2022; 6/14/2022; 2/2/2023 11/3/2022; 6/23/2022
Silver 12/1/2022; 4/26/2022; 6/30/2022; 2/2/2023; 10/3/2022 12/1/2022; 4/28/2022; 6/30/2022
Soybean 6/22/2022; 12/5/2022; 10/6/2022 6/16/2022; 4/14/2022; 8/4/2022; 12/1/2022; 10/6/2022
Wheat 6/22/2022; 11/22/2022 6/2/2022; 11/10/2022
Table A.2.Parameter Estimation and Forecast Evaluation using Weekly Data
Commodity Coefficient Estimate Clark and West Test
In-Sample h = 5 h = 10 h = 20
Brent 0.37***(0.08) 183.76*** 187.38*** 187.83*** 187.83***
Corn 2.73*** (0.22) 7191.70*** 7066.99*** 6925.39*** 6925.39***
Gold 4.41*** (0.61) 7792.81*** 7874.55*** 7874*** 8142.25***
Natural gas 0.03*** (0.01) 2.17 1.45 0.68 0.68
Nickel 273.94** (98.27) 23071102*** 22568002*** 21976799*** 21976799***
Palm oil 69.60*** (7.77) 472240.4 461934.7 447012.7 447012.7
Platinum 4.95*** (0.97) 6483.03*** 6803.21*** 7054.35*** 7054.35***
Silver 0.13***(0.03) 7.08*** 7.24*** 7.46*** 7.46***
Soybean 0.34***(0.03) 59.95*** 58.12*** 56.33***
Wheat 0.65***(0.10) 2332.68*** 2350.90*** 2373.38*** 2373.38***

The values in each cell under column 2 are the estimated coefficients and the corresponding standard errors; columns 3 – 6 are the Clark and West Statistics; with *** and ** indicate statistical significance at 1% and 5%, respectively.

  1. Formular for annualizing is (252*sum of window)/window used


  3. The significant break points are determined by the Bai-Perron multiple breakpoint test. The dates are presented in the appendix on Table A.1 for daily and weekly frequencies.